Friday, April 08, 2005

"When the Thrasher Comes I'll Know it's Time to Give What's Mine" - N. Young

The last few days have been an incredible flurry of activity. I'm feeling a little creaky and worn out this morning ("my coat is torn and frayed, it's seen much better days"). So I fire up the coffee maker, grind up a little 'sweet love blend,' and try to find a state of 'not so creaky.'

All kinds of ideas and images have been washing over me, and since I'm a little 'low energy,' I have been just letting it all come down without latching onto or holding anything. It's sort of an agreeable state. I don't have any major decisions to make, no great statements, ('I've got nothing, Ma, to live up to'), nowhere to run to today. I've got to catch up to myself, kind of re-inhabit my mind, my body.

The world, the target, seems to be waiting for me to make the next move. I'm in a 'serpintine,' frame of mind. Zigging and zagging on the runway, not ready for take off, not really 'expecting to fly.'