Saturday, April 02, 2005

Solid Gold

Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. I was out and about yesterday, a business meeting in the afternoon, a birthday party for a collegue in the evening. On one level, everything was fine, no major dramas (a couple of odd sideshows, but no blood was drawn). Got home late, woke up with the light this morning. Feeling kind of 'hung over,' not from alcohol, but from too much 'human interaction.' All my meditation work over the years seems to have made me more perceptive and sensitive to other people and their energies. I spend a lot of my time, 'seeing' and clearing 'psychic debris.' I consider myself on a mission to find clarity in my life and my work (does that sound like new age bullshit?). Everything I do, every situation I find myself in, either helps in this cause, or does not. I want to spin the bullshit, (mine and other's) into pure gold.