Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Small Day

Yesterday the Lovely Carla was off to see her mother, so Sunny Jimmy was left to his own devices. I totally 'unplugged,' from the world by plunging into it. I went for a long (over an hour) run on the lakefront; the southern breeze, the sunshine and moderate temperature made it a very enjoyable romp - the exquisite "lonliness of the long-distance runner."

In the afternoon, I went to Starbucks (I've got to feed the monkey) and got myself an "iced-vente-skim-latte" (it's important to string the words just so) and found a bench in a small park near the EL. I sat and meditated for about an hour. This was a great "ritual cleansing," I went through a series of visualizations, blowing up the dreck and bullshit from the week, creating images of clarity and focus: this is what I will create!

Late afternoon, I was back at the ranch, I made a special chicken recipe (chopped onions, a rich marinara sauce), green beans, lentil soup. Oh yeah, I had a chocolate bar (opens up the center of your head) too! I rented two DVDs, "The Last Waltz" (a young Dylan, the Band, Van Morrison, Neil Young - my heroes) and Wim Wender's beautiful, meditative, "Wings of Desire."

I finished the day listening (on my "Walkman") to Ry Cooder & Manuel Galban playing Cuban Surfer Music on their CD "Mambo Sinuendo." Magical, otherwordly guitars dancing in my head. I dozed off in the middle, woke up, turned the player off, and drifted into the black.