Friday, April 22, 2005

Share the Dream

I had a brief conversation with a client yesterday. We've established a great relationship over the years, we're from such different backgrounds (I'm a white, Catholic, Chicagoan born and bred, he's an African American, Baptist, native Brooklynite), we're on such different tracks (I work for a small, entreprenurial company, he works for a large bureaucractic behemoth), but somehow we have developed a real rapport, a mutual trust, a shared sensibility.

We have a business relationship, but we've been able to transcend it, and together we can 'share the dream.' Since it's business first, we both obviously see the advantage to working together, we're both motivated by the money, the status, the opportunity for success. But, there's so much more, a real respect, on both sides, for the uniquely different paths we've chosen.

The conversation was short, the dream (we will build lasting empires together) kind of floated above us, and then drifted off into the great unknown. Will anything really come of our plans? Who knows? But that feeling of reaching out, saying "hello" to another human being on a very fundamental level kind of vibrated inside me. I think that's the kind of "vibration," that can change the world, one being at a time.