Friday, April 15, 2005

The Empire Strikes Back

I was reading a review of a memoir written by a Cuban woman whose family escaped during the Mariel boatlift. One man's (Fidel Castro's) utopia: No God, No Beatles. No God, I can handle. No Beatles, intolerable. This is a good example where too much power in too few hands is clearly not a good thing. A Cuban talking about America: "It is a land where a man can eat a Ham sandwich everyday."

Yes, I want to live in a multi-cultural, muti-ethnic, democracy. I'm beginning to fear that BushCo. is in the process of complely destroying it. Instead, we are becoming an authoritian, military/industrial police state, run by Evangelical numbskulls, where crony capitalism, and the culture cops run rampant.

What would it take to have the Christian Evangelicals unleash the Pentagons guns and toys of destruction on their own civilians? I'm not so sure we aren't really close to finding out. What if we woke up out of our consumer frenzy? What if we realized how easily a small entrenched group has grabbed onto all the levers of power? What if we opened our eyes to see that both sides of our political conversation are off the rails?

So, I'm sitting around listening to the Beatles catalog from "I Want to Hold Your Hand," to "Get Back," I'm eating my daily ham sandwich, I'm wondering, "what would Jesus do?" I'm thinking it's not such a bad country after all. I'm basically another little Nero, fiddling while ROME BURNS!