Thursday, March 10, 2005

"What is Your Original Face?"

Out of the blue this morning I hear someone on the radio quote Albert Einstein: "we can't count everything that counts, not everything that we can count, counts." Hmmm. Then there's this from Ludwig ( Heads up: anyone named Ludwig should always garner special attention) Wittgenstein: "All that can be said, can be said clearly, but we cannot say the most important things. We cannot speak the unspeakable truths, but they exist." Both statements are quite Godelesque! You start looking at something closely, and you see connections everywhere.

I love it when the great minds, in the great disciplines, start talking like Mystics and Madmen. I find it amazing that we can accurately predict and describe phenomena in the universe. This brain we have is so strange. It is amazing how easily we can forget how amazing it all really is. When we are children, we live in this state of wonder, as we get older we let it go, but there is no good reason to let it go!

I've also been mulling over the concept of the 'limits of logic.' It reminds me of one of my favorite books, "Impro," by Keith Johnstone. There is a chapter on Mask work, and a discussion of how 'rationality,' is just another mask we wear. Rationality is one way to interpret the universe, but of course that's just one of the masks available to us. There is also, Irrationality, and this mask is useful too. The universe, just like our minds, must encompass all masks!