Sunday, March 06, 2005

'We're Living Proof that Nothing Lasts' - Son Volt

What I find really facinating: Kurt Godel, a logician, a mathematician, a man considered one of the great minds of the 20th century, (along with Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg) turns out to be somewhat of a fringe-type mystic. Godel thought that there was some kind of 'sixth sense,' available to man. He also thought that a soul and a body made a contract at birth, to work together in partnership, and at the time of death, they severed this partnership to go on their seperate ways.

Godel's great friendship with Einstein, gave him a kind of 'stamp of approval,' by association. Both of these extreme minds were exiled by acclaim and misunderstanding. Godel's mysticism was grounded in his theory, his proof; it was grounded in mathematics and logic. The door to mysticism was kicked open by PARADOX.

Godel proved, using the most reliable scientific tool (mathematics), that there were limits to any logical system, that there were some things that were 'true,' but not provable, that there were paradoxes built into the fabric of the universe. At the same time, the universe, and our minds, are logical, we have the tools available to us to discover 'the truth,' of our existence. Godel was a leading exponent of the School of Clarity: 'we have a moral imperative to think clearly.'