Tuesday, March 29, 2005

"There Ain't No Why, It Just Is" - V. Morrison

Easy to be sunny today, it is sunny outside, and very spring-like. Little birdies chirping, a mild breeze, temperatures projected to get into the 60's. Sometimes we reflect what's relected at us, our moods reflect what the world gives us, kind of like the lake; the mornings I take my run on the lakefront, I always make sure to note how the lake and sky are in a unique collaboration. The lake reflects back what the sky projects, there is a dance of color: blue, purple, green, gray, orange, pink, etc. Depending on the moon, and the direction of the wind, the water can be calm, silent, glass-like, or violent, turbulent, a crashing mass of power, plus there are the almost infinite variations in between. We are in collaboration with the world around us, locked in a dance, we each bring our own uinque properties (microcosm - macrocosm) to the relationship and between us something is created. I hear on the radio that there's been another earthquake in Indonesia, many people have died. It's seems unreal, a dispatch from another world. The earth can be a Hard Mother, what she gives so easily, she can take away so artbitrarily. I'm grateful for the day, and realize it is a gift. It is given. It just is.