Wednesday, March 02, 2005

How Does a Brain Talk to Itself?

I used to listen to The Smith's a band from Manchester, England in the 1980's. I just recently re-discovered them, and although, I think they're kind of an 'acquired taste,' once you get the taste, they can be a delightful obsession. The 'frontman,' is guy named Morrisey, who has a great, eccentric, cooly-dramatic, and foppish, voice. The band is led by another cool customer, a guitarist with a light, melodic touch, named Johnny Marr. Marr wrote all the music, Morrissey all the words.

If you've heard one of their songs, you've heard them all. This is a compliment. Their albums, and they made a bunch of them on Rough Trade records, are all variations on a theme. Part of the 'joy' of listening to these British eccentrics is to notice all the subtle variations on a theme.

"Does the body rule the brain, or does the brain rule the body? I dunno." - Morrissey

Anyway, this music brings me back to an earlier version of myself. "Somebody loan me a dime, I want to call up the Cat I used to be." - Sunny Jimmy.