Thursday, February 03, 2005

You are a Star

I'm still mulling over Samuel Fuller's concept of 'A Third Face.' Reminds me of the Buddhist Zen Koan: what is your original face before you were born? I'm thinking that the meditation work I do is a means of re-integrating with this 'secret self.' There's the idea that we are more than our bodies, more than our concept of ego, more than what can be named. There is a place of solitude and strength that we can glimpse when in deep meditation. Is this some kind of 'universal consciousness?' A state beyond time, kind of like a river that one can enter to heal and restore? Or is it like Jung's 'collective unconscious?' Except it's not just a human unconscious, it's a state of energy, a universal energy that is made of up everything that lives (hell, this would include, rocks, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.). We have these feeble instruments of perception (our senses five) so we are inadequate in a very human way, but we are also 'star stuff' (thank you Carl Sagan) made of the same stuff as the heavenly bodies in the firmament. How about getting your head around that this morning? And what are we to do with this universal consciousness? Well you can't take it to the bank and redeem it for valuable prizes, but maybe it just might give everything a shining, blazing, shimmer.