Thursday, February 24, 2005

We Control the Vertical, We Control the Horizontal

Yesterday, the day after my trip to the coast, turned out to be a 'virtual,' day. I existed in the quiet and safety of my humble abode, but my head, my thoughts, my voice, my typewritten words, went out into the ether via the internet and my cell phone. It's amazing how well this works for me. I was able to 'move things forward' in the world of business, by 'speaking my truth,' formulating thoughts into sentences, speaking these sentences into my little hand-held device. Arguments were won (without appearing to argue), agendas were set, I was able to tread the tricky roads of status (who's the First Clown, who's the Second, etc.) and class that define human interaction, without breaking a sweat, without getting emotionally enmeshed. I seemed to be able to work from a place of clarity of vision and purpose. Damn, I love it when that happens! So, this morning, I wonder: whence comes the next little atom bomb to upset the apple cart of my reality?