Friday, February 11, 2005

My Own Private Idaho

Sometimes you just get slapped upside the head, and you realize, you don't know 'jack.' Yesterday, I was reminded of my limits. Every action, every gesture that one makes, is judged by 'others' out in the world. What one 'intends,' may not be what is 'perceived.' This little lesson, this yawning gap between the thoughts and feelings of one person and another, made itself apparent to me in one of my business transactions. Here I was, thinking I was one step ahead, making all the right moves, Mr. Smooth, Mr. Natural and BLAMMO! I was perceived as overstepping my bounds, being Mr. Arrogant, Mr. Fool. It was like my head and an immovable brick wall met at high velocity. The details aren't important, let's just say, my good intentions opened up a little door to a private hell. I guess it's good to know that there's so much you don't know, even the things you know. You know?