Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I Can See for Miles - P. Townsend

At work I seem to be one step ahead of everyone. I have been 'seeing clearly,' anticipating the next moves of 'my opponents,' as if it's all one big game of Chess. In the business world, it turns out, everyone is an opponent, even those (maybe especially those) who are on your team. I position myself as the ultimate team player, but in my heart of hearts, I am a team of one (a renegade freelancer: 'sunny jimmy likes to play in his own sandbox, does not mix well with others'). I'm constantly playing a double or triple game, where I coax, cajole, and defer; I'm constantly trying to bring my team along with me. I need to do this with ultimate subtly and craft. I not only need to 'play humble,' I need to 'be' humble at all times. I am convinced that meditation and all the meditation tools I use have made this all explicit, so that I am totally aware of what I am doing while I am doing it. This sense of 'watching oneself,' was the essence of Guardieff's mystical technique. This is powerful stuff. It's funny too, because others seem just as transparent as I do myself. Everything is much more 'visible,' especially the supposedly 'invisible.'