Monday, January 03, 2005

The World is Speeding Up

What has changed? Everything has changed. Change is the ocean in which we swim. Is it possible to live as if this time, right now, this moment on the planet, is the best of all possible times to be alive? Yes, this is a given. This marking of time, today is the third day of 2005, (I'm back in the saddle at work) is an arbitrary construct, but I think it is useful to say, yes, 2004 is gone, these are the things that I accomplished, these are the things I didn't, these are the things I want to create for the new year.

Yesterday's 'Endings and Beginnings,' session at Invision, was a soulful renewal - a reminder that we are on a spiritual journey that defines and gives meaning to the things we do on this earth. I am working under the assumption that 2005 will be a 'breakout,' year. It does seem that events in the world are 'speeding up,' change is everywhere; there are major energies on the move, and violent, breath-taking events are on the horizon. Life and Death are in a rollicking, passionate embrace. The 'Sea of Possibilities,' opens out before us. We can choose the life we want - Now.