Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ode to an Elevated State

It's all about the color. Color is a vibration, a vibration is an energy, energy has a name. So there's something almost musical/mystical about riding the El (elevated train). Evanston to Oak Park (during Rush Hour) is Purple (creativity) to Green (growth). Oak Park back to Evanston is Green (growth) to Brown (earth) to Red (abundance) to Purple (creativity). Riding the El is a great time to meditate - bring me the colors of the rainbow! There's the 'chunka, chunka' of the train on the rails, the feeling of movement, even as you sit in stillness. It's also, (like death), a great leveller. Everyone is anonymous on an El platform (What is that lovely aroma? Oh yes, stale urine!) and in the train car (All together/All alone). No one engages, all eyes lose focus, the roaring clackety clack of metal on metal becomes our sweet city lullaby. We are all travellers, along for the ride for a brief (or not so brief) time only, people enter and exit, the energy in the car changing, bodies, moving, shifting, until finally, the Main Street stop. The doors open, I step out, find myself in a new time, a new place, the train (now without me) rattles down the track into the black night.