Thursday, January 13, 2005

'I'm a Road Runner, Baby' - Jonathan Richman

A working model for conducting my life: 'as if.' For instance, I'm stepping forward into the new day, 'as if,' everything is (and will be) peachy keen. For a visual representation of this attitude, please refer to the Fool Archetype in the Rider/Waite Tarot deck (hint: it's a picture of happy-go-lucky guy stepping out over a cliff - as per Wiley Coyote).

Yesterday's business meeting was less clear-cut than I was hoping. Remember, (for a refresher course please refer to previous post) I was thinking either prosper and multiply, OR crash and burn. Turns out things are closer to the former and farther from the latter, but of course, nothing is certain; everything is partial, incomplete and subject to change. And that's the good news.

I saw a quote yesterday: 'man is mere complexity.' And, so, of course, is the world he lives in. The recipe of a life: add one complexity upon another, and what do you get? Comedy is born!