Monday, January 17, 2005

Before We Shake off this Mortal Coil

Change is rattling around in my being. Does that make sense? The Invision 'psychic,' crowd, would express it like this -- 'Sunny Jimmy is in the midst of a major growth period.' I know this is true, because I'm (as per David Byrne) 'tense and nervous and I can't relax.' People (anyone I encounter) seem to be 'getting into my space,' even me. My dreams last night were cataclysmic and disturbing - I experienced a series of cinema verite-style scenes: a tsunami, a group of pissed off actors, a wild Chinese woman driving me around in a car (turns out she was taking me to a cemetary). Yikes! Stop the movie!

I'm glad to get to a new day. I made significant progress this weekend: we've added a new member to the Black Forest team to help us organize and submit for new grant money. Also, I made a few breakthroughs on the editing of 'Free Henry Goodbar, Telepath.' It turns out that most the videotape we have 'in the can' is quite good.

Also, started a new book, 'A Third Face,'(My Life of Writing, Fighting and Filmmaking) by Samuel Fuller. I think it's a winner, first chapter: 'All human beings are in the same mortal boat, each of us with our own baggage of defeats and victories. Why not carry our load with a smile, stubbornly optimistic, getting the most out of what remains of our lives? Why allow defeats to defeat more than once?'