Monday, January 24, 2005

500 Million Flies Can't Be Wrong

Snowbound yesterday, I'm sure my testosterone level went up, and my IQ went down. I tuned into the NFC and the AFC football games and spent a good chunk of the late afternoon and early evening watching men pummeling each other on fields of green. I sort of 'disconnected,' myself by spinning some records (Santana, Derek and the Dominoes), and paging through the Sunday Times (the Book Review -- 'Atrocities in Plain Sight,' - Add America to the list of Nations that TORTURE prisoners - WHO IS OUTRAGED?!) to carry me through the slow patches and the commercials. Commercial TV is an amazing phenomenon: dazzling, fast-paced editing, dedicated to the premise that the typical American Male is a total nebbishy loser, who can only find transcendance through consuming massive quantitities of ice-cold beer. Well, if that is the consensus view, who am I to argue? It was a day of sound and fury (somebody won, somebody lost) signifying nothing.