Tuesday, December 14, 2004

White Noise and Static

My head was hi-jacked yesterday. I had a throbbing ache in my head all day (a very rare occurance), it was like a rebel radio station had taken over my brain waves, broadcasting white noise and static right into the center of my being. I was pretty useless. I went through all the motions, a member of the walking dead. No one noticed, I realized, (no great insight) I could probably do my job with an ice pick lodged squarely in my forehead, and no one would be the wiser.

I couldn't read, couldn't think, I just reacted to the events of the day. It seemed good enough. I couldn't wait to close my eyes and let it all go. I had a deep, long sleep, (The Long Goodbye), no dreams, 9 hours of silent black. My head is clear this morning. There's an emptiness where there was an ache. Sleep can be so rejuvenating. A new man, a new day; what frequency will I tune into today?