Friday, December 03, 2004


Nothing is ever quite what you think it will be; usually, not as bad, or not as good, sometimes, better than you expected, rarely, worse than you could imagine. So maybe it's best to just 'give it a go,' and see what happens. I carried a little 'dread,' about two meetings I had yesterday, turns out the dread was just excess baggage. My fears about deals gone bad, uncomfortable confrontations, did not materialize. I rode the wave, made it to shore, virtually unscathed, all seems well. The Shadow play continues.

Anyway, I was reading about Peter Brook, the great Director (now 80 years old) still going strong, still creating innovative theater productions. He is in Paris doing three short pieces on religion and tolerance.

Peter Brook: 'A theatrical act cannot influence the political world, but theater allows us to open up to something beyond the daily horrors, it allows us to reinforce something positive inside each of us.'

In one of the three short plays 'Tierno Bokar,' a pupil asks the Sage: 'What is God?' The Sage replies: 'God is an embarrassment to human intelligence, because if you affirm His existence, you cannot prove it, but if you deny His existence, you deny your own existence.'