Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Next Big Thing

Night and Day. If Friday's performance of 'Free Henry Goodbar, Telepath,' was all about blown lines and blown fuses, Saturday's show was about abundant laughter and applause. We really rocked the house. It was our best show yet.

The audience is the sixth member of the troupe; Friday's audience was silent and brittle, Saturday's was vocal and joyous. The actors really fed off the energy, and all the perfomances seemed to find a new confidence. The emptiness and lonliness of Friday, became a fulfilling camaraderie. How strange. Theater is a 'live animal.' The trick is to find a level of consistency even if the audience is 'unreliable.'

I am convinced the show can evolve and get even better. The same words and actions repeated to the point of unconsciousness, leads to new discoveries, nuances and shadings. The whole thing is an alchemical, magical process, made of simple words and actions. The best feeling in the world: to reach for something invisible, ineffable, to imagine you have it in your hands, it vanishes, dances in front of you, leads you to the next big thing.