Saturday, October 09, 2004

Why is a Snake a Snake?

Yesterday was much better. My bad back was a little less bad, the business conference ended early, and so I wandered the streets of Brooklyn on a sunny, autumn Friday. I found a nice Thai restuarant on Court street, then made my way to BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) to see a new staging of 'Othello.' BAM's theater space used to be called 'The Majestic,' it was built in 1903, it was a pre-Broadway tryout space in the 30's and 40's and then fell into a long disrepair, until Peter Brook decided it would be a good location for one of his productions. It is a 900 seat theater that has been restored, but it looks shaggy and raw, with peeling paint on the ceiling, exposed brick walls. It's a place with a 'history,' and character.

'Othello,' was staged beautifully, the actors were excellent; the actors mature and accomplished in voice and movement. Good theater acting is a unique art form; the players are like a guild, or a priesthood, it is a special calling, that requires extraordinary skills. The rewards are primarily in the 'doing:' in the business on stage. This 'Othello' was stripped down, tight, the text soared, the staging was taut and to the point. Iago is a 'villian,' from the first word to the last. He leads the honest man, Othello, like an 'ass,' to the slaughter. Othello's simple honesty almost seems a flaw, as he is easy to fool, and easy to incite to violence. The hero is easily prone to jealousy, and Iago plays him like a fiddle.

So, it is the conspiring, dishonest, calculating, false, Iago who is most intriguing. 'The divinity of hell.' Iago makes an argument about reason over passion. He convinces, but at the same time, he is wicked, he unleashes the forces of murder, and revenge which lie waiting in the heart of the honest, simple, man. We watch Iago set his trap, playing a double game, almost admiring his diabolical intelligence, the audacity of his plan. Why is he so evil? Why is a snake a snake?

Anyway, (oh heresy) I actually left at intermission: the first act ends at the point where Iago's plan has taken root in the Moor. The 'setup' seemed rewarding enough. The rest is already foretold. Passion, murder and revenge. I exited the theater, walked down Fulton Street (Hip Hop Land) and I was back in my room by 10:00 p.m.

I fly home this morning. We have a video shoot scheduled in the afternoon. This will be a long day.
Oh yes, and why is a snake a snake?