Monday, October 25, 2004

Little Big Man

"Free Henry Goodbar, Telepath," emerged in rehearsal this weekend. All of the elements came together yesterday (we ran it three times in full dress). I finally settled on an opening song, John Lennon's 'Gimmee Some Truth,' which captures the spirit of the piece and sets the tone for what follows. Technically, it is probably our most difficult show, lots of lighting changes, music and video cues. Krista (our lighting and sound tech) has been a godsend, she has not been intimidated by the technology, and she jumps in without complaint.

The cast is really committed and they have expressed an affinity for the content of the play. Our cast is 'more mature,' so references to George Harrison, John Lennon, J. Edgar Hoover, Howard Hughes and Richard Nixon resonate. 'Dreams of Guantanamo' propel the piece into the present. The 'arrogance of power' extends in a crooked line from Nixon to 'Little Bush.'

We capped the day off with a dinner at 'Rick's,' on Sheridan. A party of six. A great meal, a long, rambling conversation. The looming election hanging over us like a bad dream. The hostility to 'Little Bush,' was palpable. I think like minded people will head to the polls to take America back from the brink of disaster. It is so easy for this Behemoth to slip off the tracks. Power invariably ends up in the hands of the corrupt and craven.