Saturday, October 30, 2004

'Goodbar' Lives!

Maybe it's the title? Never write a play with 'Korea,' in the title. Just isn't cool. Last year it was a struggle finding an audience, eventhough, the show was quite good. 'Free Henry Goodbar, Telepath,' seems to be just the ticket. We had a sellout opening night. And it looks like a sellout tonight too. I believe that the 'house' should be irrelevant, whether there's one person in the audience or one hundred, the actors should give their all, and perform as if every moment is precious. The audience is another 'player,' they bring another energy that varies each night. It's part of the 'kick' of live theater to interact and feed off this unknown, mysterious, energy.

Anyway, it was great to get the first show under our belt. We had a few minor glitches: missed lines, timing issues, but overall not bad for the first time through with a real audience. The adrenaline was flowing. Our group has really bonded, everyone was aware and focused. It takes a lot of work to pull something like this off, but when all the elements come together, there's no better high!