Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Big Apple

Today, I'm heading to New York City. I'm attending a business conference at the Embassy Suites, near Battery park until Friday. I'll be staying at my usual hotel, the Brooklyn Marriot, near the Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge will be my new running path for the next few days. I hope to see some theater, (looking for some off-beat inspiration) and to find some good restuarants. Philip Clark, my client, is always a gracious host. We'll be commuting in the morning together, from Brooklyn to the show.

I've got my walkman, plus many good discs to sink into (Sigur Ros, The Who, Donnie Darko, Bob Dylan) and my book, 'Will in the World, How Shakespeare became Shakespeare' (at the age of nineteen, Will was married, with three kids, no good profession, no good prospects --- he heads to London to find his fortune). I've also got my laptop, I'm committed to blogging every day. I'm bringing my script, I have just one more scene to memorize and then, I'm 'off book.'

Yesterday, I edited the video we shot on the beach. I think we have a very nice ending sequence: Rashid walks to the water, the camera slowly comes up behind him, circles his head, ends in profile, the sun streaming down, shafts of light and sun spots dance around him. 'I dance, to the beat , of a simple, rock and roll...song.'