Thursday, October 28, 2004

Better as We Go

Brooklyn in the morning, 'Goodbar,' in the evening.

I had quite the day, yesterday. NYCHA could be the deal that saves my company. Our application would monitor and alarm on boilers. This is a real solution for a real problem. The question is timing. The big rollout wouldn't happen unitl spring 2005. Will our major investor stay in the game that long?

Flew back home in the afternoon. Air travel is one of those incomprehensible facts we just accept: hurtling through the air, 500 miles per hour, 30,000 feet. Kind of like a really fast taxicab ride.

We did a complete 'Free Henry Goodbar, Telepath,' preview, with a small audience (three friendly people). It felt good. No major glitches. We are ready. The show should get better as we go.

I strive to be alive in the 'real world,' pretending and imagining, that I live in a better one.