Monday, September 20, 2004

I am the Moth

Living in the moment. Moment by moment. It's working. We had a very productive rehearsal yesterday. David and I gave our feedback, as Carla took the actors through their paces. Black Forest has become an a well-functioning, focused, collaborative. We have learned how to 'give direction,' to keep things positive, to add to each other's vision, without taking anything away from one another.

The key is to be attentive, to be 'aware,' to what others do, and not neccesarily to what they 'say.' We are all walking, talking contradictions, but ultimately, our actions define who, and what we are. This is good to know as a playwright. The words tell one story, the physicality tells another. Sometimes they are aligned, and sometimes not; there is always a 'sub-text,' and if we can be clear on both levels, I think we make the work even stronger.

Anyway, Monday, the work week, that familiar 'dread' has subsided. Everything I do, has a certain, validity, I must be 'aware,' in the moment, at all times. Then, even the dark corners can glow with the light of abundance, certainty and knowingness.