Sunday, September 05, 2004

'Everyone Has Their Reasons.' -- Jean Renoir

Is there virtue in waking up before the sun? It feels good to be slightly ahead of the dawn, awake, before the hubbub and hurly burly of another day. It's rehearsal at Peter Jones with the complete cast this morning. There is much work to be done.

We went to see a movie last night, Zhang Yimou's 'Hero,' a beautiful, martial-arts movie. One of the most beautifully filmed movies I've ever seen. It is a great tale, told very well. Colors (blue, red, green, white) provide much of the pleasure of the piece.

'People give up their lives for many reasons: friendship, love and ideals. People murder for many reasons: friendship, love and ideals.' Also -- 'In a war, there are heroes on both sides.'

Ultimately, 'Hero,' is about an assasin who lays down his sword for a 'greater good.' There are no good guys, no bad guys. 'Everyone has their reasons.' -- Jean Renoir. The Tyrant believes he is a man of peace. The man intent on revenge, shows restraint, courage and heart. The master swordsman devotes his life to the art of calligraphy.

I have been thinking that the world needs a new defining myth. America's guiding myth seems to be the 'lone cowboy,' battling the evil-doers of the world. I believe China or India may provide a new myth to help drive the human race forward into a new consciousness. How about the Bodhissatva? This is an enlightened being who comes back to the human realm to help others find enlightment too. Now that's a myth worth living.