Sunday, September 26, 2004

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

I am back with the living. The last few days, all energy escaped me. I have been one of George Romero's Zombies from 'Dawn of the Dead.' This morning, I can feel new energy coursing through my body. As per Dylan: 'the ghost of electricty, howls through the bones of her face...'

The play, 'Goodbar,' has gone through more toil and trouble. Two days ago, Manny left a message that he did not feel well, that he was dropping out, and needed to get away from acting for awhile. My first reaction was to call him and tell him that he should rest up, get better, but that he couldn't 'quit the show.' He was tentative, said he was going to the doctor, and wasn't sure if he was up to it.

Yesterday morning, I called Noel (he auditioned for a different role) and cast him as 'The Bard.' Noel came to rehearsal and immediately took to it, he is a film director and acting teacher and he made strong choices and will add to the piece. Carla talked to Manny later in the day, and asked if he'd be willing to videotape the Rashid role.

Manny reversed himself and said he wanted to be in the show. Too late. We are already on to the next actor. Manny brought this on himself, once someone opens the door to 'dropping out,' we must make the decision for them. Nothing will stop this show. Nothing will keep us from our task. 'Don't be denied.!'

I am hoping to convince Manny that videotape is the best way to go. I no longer trust him to make rehearsals and do a live show. This has been a wild ride, but Carla and I are taking everything as it comes.