Saturday, August 28, 2004

A One Time Affair

My DSL line is still out, I checked with ComCast, and they said they are doing 'upgrades' in my area. So again, I am coming to the web via my laptop with a 'pirate' wireless connection. Everything is slower, it's like I'm running with weights attached to my ankles. What's really strange, my network card is blinking green, but the connection monitor tells me that I'm 'not linked' so I should not be be writing this entry. I am living on 'borrowed time,' against my own technology. As I said, very strange.

Today we have morning rehearsal, then a performance at the Bucktown Arts Fair. This will be a 'one off' performance. Bucktown is a 'family event' so we must modify some of the language, also, since we will be outside in the middle of the Fair, we have worked out a more visual representation of the piece. Manny and I do a 'Mariachi' guitar showdown, trading lines, strumming guitars. Another time, another place.

This will be a one-time experiment, and then we move on. And so, what else is a life?