Monday, July 05, 2004

First thought this morning: no longer 'refreshed' after a good sleep, I'm only weary, or less weary. After a cup of coffee or two, I start to come around and think, 'not so weary.'

Reading Merton's "Asian Journals," yesteray I came across a discussion of Buddhist dialectic. Man says the world is 'this,' or 'that,' which entraps us in the web of mind. Buddha says, world is beyond differention. Instead of taking sides in an argument, one must 'explode the argument' with paradox, with silly, baffling, koans.

The unity of all things is beyond mind; meditation, contemplation brings one back into the body, which frees us.

Watched the first hour of Jean Luc Godard's 'In Praise of Love,' last night, (we paused the DVD, and walked to the beach to see fireworks exploding over the dark, calm water). Two lines from the movie still with me: 'the question is not whether humans will survive, but whether they deserve to survive.' Also, 'what if the truth turns out to be sad?'