Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Back home. The trip to N.Y. was satisfying, exhausting.

The positive: had a good training session with Block Institute, wandered the streets of Brooklyn Heights (lunched on Montague St., made famous by Bob Dylan), had a long rambling conversation, touching on everything, with Paula and Philip as we drove from Coney Island back to Brooklyn. The three of us are from such different backgrounds and experiences, but we can really relate on a very human level.

The negative: the logisitcs of travel. The trip home was trying. Heavy rain brought La Guardia to a halt, canceled flights, a backup on the tarmac. We got on the plane and waited. A line up of planes in front of us. I read every scrap of the N.Y. Times, I ran through my meditation routine, Paula and I discussed work, politics, books, families, the afterlife. Finally, we took off.

Got home late, let the birds out (they went insane when I came in) snacked on bread and nuts, watched the last of the Democratic Convention and crashed out. This morning, groggy, empty...happy to be home.