Monday, May 31, 2004

Holiday. Memorial Day. 'Storms cloud are raging all around my door...'

Well into Merton's 'Seven Storey Mountain.' This idea of a quiet grace. A struggle to be pure in heart and action. Big ideas vs. the small insights. Can grace hold a candle to the big breeze, the windy opinion?

Must be humble, in the face of the mystery. Must not give in to the easy answer, the general gloom.

Watched Chaplin's 'A King in New York,' last night. Brilliant, funny, odd. Chaplin, 67, so nimble, so graceful. He satirizes the McCarthy witch hunts and so perfectly captures the crass commercialism of America Unbound.

Chaplin the sentimental anarchist. Chaplin: Bertold Brecht's prime example and model. Dancer, musician, silly, human, classy beyond class. King Shadow. No longer the little Tramp. A King without a Kingdom.